The kingdoms of this world will not be able to rage on and on no matter how desperate things may be! Their wickedness has its end! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Sermons in the Psalms
Psalm 2
TITLE:  Two Kinds of Kingdoms
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Happy is the man that takes refuge in no other king but King Jesus!

1.   The kingdoms of this world rage
2.  The Sovereign King responds

”Found in this Royal-Psalm is the prophetic proclamation of a coming King that will rule God’s people on the throne of David - the PROMISED Messiah-King…this King is THE heavenly King.”

“Verses 1-3 describe the people and in particular the ‘kings’ of this world and the nature of their opposition to the Sovereign LORD. They are not passive in their disregard of God and His King. They are on the move against Him. They seek to advance against Him.”

“‘Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.’ THIS underlies all of their motives, intentions, and scheming. This is the age-old problem seated in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve took counsel together and set themselves against their Creator King – desiring to be Gods themselves - they become the first king and queen of the kingdoms of this world. The raging began there. The kings of this world desire to be set free from God’s rule, rebelling against any submission to His Sovereign kingdom!”

“The kings of this world rage! BUT, we may have forgotten what Verse 1 said: They rage, they plot BUT they do so ‘in vain!’ No matter how powerful they are humanly speaking… ALL of THEIR EFFORTS ARE IN VAIN!”

“How can it be that this is in vain? It seems like the people and nations can do whatever they want. The nations are raging and plotting against God constantly. The people are shaking off any kind of self-control and again only doing what seems right in their eyes. Wickedness and depravity all too often SEEM to be the rule and SEEM to go unanswered. This all looks like it’s winning the day.”

“Our sin dilemma:
- He defines our sexuality   - We want something different
- He defines our relationships - We say no and go after what we want
- He says love  -  We hate
- He commands purity and holiness  -  We run as fast as we can into depravity
- He rules us in grace - We become tyrants”

“The Sovereign King of Heaven SITS on this throne and no earthly king, and no worldly kingdom has the power to even concern Him enough to get him to stand!”

“This King Jesus has come first save the very ones who rage against Him. This King has shed His royal blood on a cursed man’s cross. God’s King, His only begotten Son, has given His body to be broken for this world.”

“Instead of God standing in fury and defending His beloved Son, His Holy and perfectly righteous Son bears the sins of sinners and receives upon Himself the full force of God’s wrath and fury. Jesus gets the full derision of God – the contemptuous scorn of His Father. Jesus, God’s King is God’s Son, but before He will rule as God’s righteous King, King Jesus becomes the Lamb of God who “will take away the sins of this world”... the sins of the people who once raged and plotted against Him!”

Philippians 2:8-9

C. H. Spurgeon - “They [Psalm 1 and 2] are, in fact, the preface to the whole Book of Psalms.”

 C.H. Spurgeon - “He has already done that which the enemy seeks to prevent. While they are proposing, he has disposed the matter. Jehovah's will is done, and man's will frets and raves in vain. God's Anointed is appointed, and shall not be disappointed.”

Be warned
Be wise
Serve the LORD with fear
Rejoice with trembling

Judgment and Wrath are coming! BUT NOW is the time of repentance to turn to the Lord, oh kingdoms of this world, turn and “Kiss the Son” – bow and pay homage to the King of kings and Lord of lords, King Jesus… the Lamb of God! NOW is the time of Salvation.


Today we begin a summer-long sermon series in the literary sanctuary of the Psalms. Our prayer is simple: Together, we learn to think and feel about life in a godless world with our wonderful God. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Sermons in the Psalms
Psalm 1
TITLE:  Two Ways to Live
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1. The Way of the World
2. The Way of the Word

”When the cloud of despair hangs over us, we go to the Psalms to plead with honest questions, and God gives us honest answers. When doubts quench our hope, we go to the Psalms to meet the God of all unending hope. When loneliness presses in, we go to the Psalms to learn how much God truly loves us. We go to the Psalms because the primary psalmist, David, struggled just like us.”

“The longest book in the Bible begins by presenting Two Ways To Live. Two very different ways.”

“Happiness is at the top of everyone’s list. Everyone wants a life of blessing. Why? God hardwired us for it. He made us to be blessed and experience true happiness in Him. But in the Garden, humanity carved out its own way. A way without God. A way Psalm 1 calls wicked.”

“There is a powerful warning about influence here. Listening to the counsel of the wicked leads to thinking like the wicked, and before you know it, you are living like the wicked.”

“Of course, we understand delight. Delight is a heart response of joy, happiness, and excitement for something or someone that we see as beautiful and valuable.”

“The blessed man delights in divine wisdom. And that delight leads him to spend time with God’s Word. It says in 2, he meditates on it day and night. He reads it. He thinks about it. He treasures it. Like air to the lungs, God’s Word is life to his soul, so he keeps returning to it.”

“The tree represents the effect of allowing your life to be oriented around and rooted in the living waters of God’s Word. That effect is strength in the Lord, even though you feel physically weak. The effect is a walk with God that bears much fruit even when your business is fruitless. The effect is spiritual prosperity as you serve others, even though your bank account is on life support. The Word is active, alive, profitable and sufficient…”

“For the Christian, you don’t always feel like a tree planted by streams of water. Your delight in God’s Word is drifting. You want to be the tree, but you feel like the chaff. So I am going to give you the best counsel I can to prepare you for our series in the psalms: Never approach the Psalms alone. Always find Jesus in the psalm and don’t leave his side.”

Here's an important question: How often do you evaluate your relationship with the world?  My point is not to disengage the world. Instead, as we engage the world, our lives should clearly reflect a conviction that the world’s godless wisdom, values, and approach to life are futile.”

“There is only one man who stands righteous in God’s judgment. One man who can stand over and against the godly. One man who is prosperous in all he does. One man who perfectly delights in God’s Word—the Living Word, Jesus Christ.”

“Amazing! Jesus died in our place on a tree, so we could say No to the ways of the world (die to sin) and Yes to God’s Word (live to righteousness), bringing eternal blessing to us and unmatchable glory to Christ. Amazing grace how can it be!.”

For further study: Psalm 73
1 Peter 2:24

Athanasius - “With this book, it is as if it is our own words that we read; anyone who hears them is pierced to the heart, as though these words voiced for him his deepest thoughts.”

John Piper - “Nobody walks in the way of the wicked out of duty. Nobody stands in the way of sinners out of duty. Nobody sits in the seat of scoffers out of duty. We walk and stand and sit there because we want to. And we want to because we have been watching them so intently that what they do is now attractive. We have meditated on them (without calling it that). And we now delight in them. That is how worldliness happens.”

Make the Psalms your constant companion -

The Psalms can and should be part of the constant practice of the presence of God. Regularly read from beginning to end, they lead us again and again to consider aspects of life and of God’s will that we might not otherwise choose to remember or confront—let alone to embody in our living. Memorized in chunks the Psalms can provide ready response to the pressing realities of our days. When I have wakened in a panic in the darkness of the early morning hours—submerged in fear, self-pity, or self-doubt—the Psalms have often provided the assurance that my anxieties are known by God, who enlightens my dark places. So, I encourage you to make the Psalms your constant companion. 

Make the Psalms your constant companion. Visit the literary sanctuary often. Keep its words on your mind, in your heart, and on your lips, believing that with Jesus, every letter of the psalmist is for your life, that you may be blessed and happy in Jesus, in this life and the life to come. 


Our desire today is that we would appropriately understand sin, and in doing so, that our love for Jesus would explode with deeper affections. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Luke 7:36-50
TITLE:  Forgiven Much
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: The deeper we understand what the Word says about our sins, the greater the depth of our love for Jesus.

1. Our sins are many
2. Jesus forgives them all
3. We love Jesus much

”Most Scholars – without much argument – agree that this woman was very likely a prostitute. Consider the awkwardness of this scene. A woman, a sinner, standing behind the reclining Jesus. Uncontrollable weeping and wetting his feet with her tears - like rainfall. Wiping his feet with her hair. She kissed his feet - the tense of this Greek verb would be that she ‘kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed...’ his feet.”

“The greatness of Jesus' forgiveness meets every last one of her sins! Not a single sin - and the list is long and known only by God - escaped His forgiveness!”

“Verses 47 and 48 use the verb “forgiven” (perfect tense) meaning a forgiving that began in the past, it continues in the present, and points to an eternal forgiving.”

“This is why she loves Jesus much - she sees that her sins are many and that He has forgiven every single one of them. She cannot contain herself!”

“The amazing thing about the grace of God is that it calls us out by His great love, forgives and saves us for THIS purpose: So that we love Him, exalt Him, honor Him!”

“Luther calls her tears ‘heart tears!’ She cannot contain that which floods her heart for Jesus. It does not matter who will see - no fear of man will stop her. Maybe even surprising to herself her forgiven soul propels her toward Jesus.”

“Our affections have been everywhere else, loving this and that, and in the end, really loving ourselves. THE worship center of this world and of our flesh is the need to love yourself. Sin has us convinced that this is the end-all of our existence.”

“What of the Pharisee? Simon has no awareness of the depth and magnitude of his sin - and he adds to those the unforgivable sin of rejecting Christ - vs 30 - rejecting the very purpose of God. He is likely even left out of the parable, not being counted as either of the two debtors who love even to some degree of response. Chapter 8, verse 10 Jesus reveals that the parables themselves expose and create the Pharisees’ spiritual blindness and deafness - what an indictment on their rejection of the Messiah! One commentator wrote, and I agree… ‘Simon seemingly would rather have had Jesus kick her to the side and demand that she leave!’”

Romans 1:28-32
1 John 4:19
2 Timothy 1:1, 2

The gospel reaches out and saves this woman, and the result is a transformed life!

Q. Has your life been transformed by the forgiveness of Jesus?

Q. To what degree are you moved by the forgiveness of Jesus?

Q. Have we forgotten that our sins are many and yet that Christ can forgive and forgive them all!

Q. Why do I NOT FEEL this deeply?

Child Dedication Sunday Coming Soon - June 18th!

On Sunday, June 18, 2023, Sovereign Grace Church will have Child Dedications during the Sunday morning service!

What are Child Dedications? How does that differ from baptism?

Below, I have reposted a blog from Derek Overstreet in which he makes this clarifying and super helpful statement: “...child dedication is less about the child and more about the parents acknowledging their child is a gift from the Lord entrusted to them to raise for His glory with the hope that he or she will come to faith in Jesus one day.”  

If you desire to have your child dedicated, please contact the church office, or talk with one of the pastors and we will make it happen!



Dedicate My Child?

 By Derek Overstreet

Child dedications. What are they? Should the church have them? Should I dedicate my child on Sunday morning? These are good questions. As Christians, we should never do something because it is what we have always done or everyone else is doing it.

Some churches baptize infants, otherwise known as paedobaptism. We do not baptize infants because we believe Scripture teaches baptism is for believers (Romans 6:3-4, Colossians 2:11-14). This conviction is captured in our Statement of Faith:

Baptism is an initiatory, unrepeated sacrament for those who come to faith in Christ that pictures their remissions of sins and union with Christ in his death and resurrection.

So does the Bible say anything about baby dedications? Nowhere does Scripture command parents to dedicate their child to the Lord. That said, there are examples, specifically, Hannah vowing to dedicate her child to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:11) and Joseph and Mary taking Jesus to the Temple to be dedicated (Luke 2:22).

Scripture is clear on the parent's God-given call to teach their children diligently in the ways of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:6-7), train them up in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6), and bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Dedicating your child is not an act of salvation, baptism, or church membership. It is a symbolic way to communicate the Spirit-empowered intent to raise the child in a Christ-centered home according to Scripture. In this way, child dedication is less about the child and more about the parents acknowledging their child is a gift from the Lord entrusted to them to raise for His glory with the hope that he or she will come to faith in Jesus one day. 

As for the rest of the church, through this encouraging tradition, we commit as a local family of faith to stand in prayer and support for the parents and their children.   

If you would like to participate in the child dedication on Father’s Day, June 18th, please please contact the church office, or talk with one of the pastors!

Tom Wilkins
Baptism Sunday Coming Soon - June 11th!

On Sunday, June 11, 2023, Sovereign Grace Church will gather after the Sunday Service for a celebration in the parking lot! A holy and exciting event will take place that day in which, those who have believed in Christ and are following Jesus’ command, will be baptized! 

If you desire to be baptized, please contact the church office, or talk with one of the pastors and we will make it happen!

Maybe you have questions about whether or not you should be baptized. Read a condensed blog post below that our Senior Pastor, Derek Overstreet wrote: The Importance and Joy of Baptism Sundays.

Maybe you are a parent and are exploring the possibility of one of your children being baptized. I would encourage you to read the same blog post below. As parents, our decision to move forward or wait in regards to the child’s baptism is difficult and sobering, and should not be considered lightly, but what a hopeful and joyful consideration! If you have questions on this, talk with one of your pastors. We also have an outstanding and FREE resource for parents regarding their child’s faith in Jesus. It is the book: “Your Child's Profession of Faith” by Dennis Gundersen.  



The Importance and Joy of Baptism Sundays

By Derek Overstreet

I love Sundays! Singing with the saints. Serving with my brothers and sisters. Praying together. Having my mind and heart shaped by the truths of God and the Gospel. As I heard a wise pastor once say, “The church is the dearest place on earth, and Sunday is the dearest day of the week”

I especially enjoy baptism Sundays. We get to do everything above, THEN go out back, eat pizza, hear testimonies of grace, and witness individuals identify with Christ by getting dunked in water. I love baptism Sundays!

If you are considering getting baptized or want to understand it better, I encourage you to consider four essential elements of water baptism and its importance to the believer.

  1. Baptism is a sacrament of the church. Along with the Lord’s Supper, water baptism is a church sacrament. Our Statement of Faith defines a sacrament as a “precious means of grace that signifies the benefits of the gospel, confirms its promises to the believer, and visibly distinguishes the church from the world.”

  2. Baptism is for believers. We do not believe in infant baptism because there is no evidence for it in the New Testament. The New Testament pattern is that baptism follows salvation (Acts 2:38,41; 8:12; 10:44-48; 16:14-15, 30-33). If you have repented of your sin and placed your faith in Jesus, then water baptism is next for you!

  3. Baptism is symbolic, not salvific. Salvation does not come through baptism; it comes through faith (Eph 2:8, Rom 5:1). Baptism is an outward sign of an inward work of grace. Through faith, a person is brought into a union with Christ, and water symbolizes that union as a public identification with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus (Rom 6::3-4, Col 2:11-13, 1 Peter 3:20-21). When baptized, believers publicly declare their life belongs to Christ, and they desire to live for his glory.

  4. Baptism is obedience. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded believers to be baptized (Mat 28:19). This means baptism brings about a degree of joy and spiritual benefit, just as any act of Christian obedience does (John 15:10-11). Wayne Grudem explains it this way: “There is the blessing of God’s favor that comes with all obedience, as well as the joy that comes through public profession of one’s faith, and the reassurance of having a clear physical picture of dying and rising with Christ and of washing away sins.[1]

Are you a Christian? If so, have you been baptized? If the answer is no, contact your pastor today to discuss the spiritual importance and blessings of getting dunked for his glory!

[1] Wayne Grudem—Systematic Theology, p 980-981

Tom Wilkins

In its simplest form, godliness is flying by God’s instruments (The Word, the Gospel, The Spirit) whether the skies are clear, you are facing the headwinds of our culture, or you are in the storm of circumstance. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Our 7 Shaping Virtues
Romans 12:1-2
TITLE:  Godliness
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Godliness is an active life of faith built on the commands, promises, and wisdom of God’s Word, rooted in our identity in Christ, and confident in the power of the Holy Spirit.

1. The Reason for Our Godliness
2. The Reality of Our Godliness
3. The Path to Our Godliness

”The glorious gospel moves from [Paul’s] head to his heart, and he explodes in worship. We can all just go home now, right? Wrong. Paul is not done. He spends the following four chapters showing us what the first eleven chapters mean for our lives.”

“Paul is saying, based on what God has done for you in Christ Jesus, NOW, live a certain way, as the rest of Romans exhorts—pursue godliness.”

“I do not pursue godliness to gain God’s favor. I do not pursue godliness because it’s morally appealing. I do not pursue godliness because it is religiously productive. I do what I do because Jesus did what he did!”

“This is true biblical godliness. Because of God’s mercy toward us in Christ, every day, we present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice. Not in a temple or church building, but with our, Paul’s word in verse 1—bodies. The term body refers to the whole person—body and soul. The outer man and the inner man. Our thoughts, our affections, our actions.”

“Godliness is not dropping money in the offering box or good attendance at CG. True godliness goes beyond the external—it is total transformation. That’s what the gospel does—It makes us new creations to give God what He is worthy of—Full Submission.”

“That doesn’t mean we are withdrawn from the world. It means we are different from the world; that difference is the Holy Spirit empowering us for godliness. Paul is saying don’t be a spiritual chameleon!”

Personal Bible Study: Ephesians 4:17-5:21 and Colossians 3:1-17
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Colossians 1:9-14
Hebrews 10:24-25

John Stott - “We human beings seem to be imitative by nature. We need a model to copy, and ultimately there are only two. There is this world, which is passing away, and there is God’s will, which is good, pleasing, and perfect.”

How do we know if we are growing in godliness?
1. Do my thoughts about life begin with God’s thoughts about life? What does God’s Word say about this? Not what do my feelings, or the culture, or my politics, or past experiences, or conventional wisdom say about this matter, what does the Bible say?

2. Is the gospel increasingly my hope in life? Godliness is ultimately the work of the gospel in our lives; indeed, Christ is our godliness. So the more central Jesus is in our lives, the greater godliness we will experience. 

3. Am I growing in contentment? The world has many distractions, but true godliness is expressed in an uncommon contentment in the Lord, no matter your circumstance.

New Song for Sunday: God Is For Us

Sing with joy now, our God is for us
The Father’s love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice now, no love is greater
Who can stand against us if our God is for us?

We are excited to sing a new song together as church called God Is For Us. This song reminds us of the faithfulness of God and encourages us to SING as we place our confidence in Him: His presence with us and His promises to us. 

We hope you’ll learn it this week and SING with us on Sunday!

Title: God Is For Us
Link to listen:
CityAlight - 2018

Church Life Update - 5/3/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 



sgu spring 2023 unit

This unit, “THE DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”, just started! Sessions will be on May 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd (the first four Tuesdays in May) at 7pm. If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time! CLICK HERE to register.


New sermon Series: Sermons in the psalms

As the sermon series “Our Shaping Virtues” sermon series is coming to an end in a few weeks, we are excited to announce that we will be going through the book of Psalms over the Summer in the “Sermons in the Psalms” sermon series starting May 21st!


membership class

The next class will be after the Sunday morning services every Sunday in June (June 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th). Lunch and childcare will be provided. Contact Tom Wilkins for more information.


water baptism

Baptism Sunday will be held on June 11th after the Sunday morning service! If you would like to be baptized, or if you want more information, please contact Derek Overstreet. You can also read a full blog post about Baptisms HERE.


Child Dedication

The Child Dedication will be held on Father’s Day (June 18th) during the Sunday morning service! Contact Tom Wilkins if you’d like to partake in our church’s precious tradition.


The gospel saves us into a life of service, first to God and then, as an expression of that service, to others. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Our 7 Shaping Virtues
John 13:1-15
TITLE:  Servanthood
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Understanding that the Lord Jesus is a servant, captures our hearts and makes us joyful servants.

1. Jesus is our Lord who served
2. We are Jesus’ servants who joyfully serve

”Jesus, our faithful Master, defines service as true greatness… He ultimately demonstrated this greatness for us in laying down his life for us.”

“Jesus is the Eternal WORD - the divine LOGOS. He is the very Son of God, the Son of Man, the KING of kings, and the LORD of lords! Jesus is the LORD. And Jesus our Lord serves us!”

“…we cannot miss the cosmic profundity of verses 4-5. Just a couple of days before the Cross on which Jesus will hang willingly, suffering, and shedding His divine precious blood as the very Lamb of God who has come to take away the sins of the world, He, OUR LORD takes the form of a slave and washes his doubting, of-weak-faith, confused, proud, and fearful disciples!”

“Jesus the kneeling-servant will become the suffering-servant of Isaiah 53 and serve to His death… for us.”

“Jesus’ question: “Do you understand what I have done for you?”

“In faith and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we now are beginning to understand, and this captures our hearts…so what does this lead and call us to do - The TEXT gives us the application!”

“His command is grounded in what He has already done! (The indicative always before the imperative!) This calling is more than simply following Jesus’ example. Moralism = Trying to serve like Jesus did on our own - if that was even possible. BUT, Joyful servanthood results from understanding who Jesus is (LORD) and what He has done for us (The Cross). Our motivation is one of obedience, but this call and action are fueled and motivated by The Gospel - by what He has done for us and what He has done for fellow believers.”

“Holding on to our Lord and Savior (who is THE Perfect Servant who has His grip on us!) with one hand, we serve others with the other hand, all the while handing them off to the Lord and their Savior.”

2 Corinthians 4:5
Mark 10:43-44
Mark 10:45
1 John 3:18
1 Peter 4:10
1 Corinthians 9:19
John 13:34-35

Murray J. Harris- “Christian conversion may be described as an exchange of yokes. Slavery to sin, to evil powers, to evil desires, is replaced by slavery to Christ. Since life cannot be ‘yokeless’, conversion must involve an alteration of sovereignty, an exchange of masters, the assumption of a new yoke - that of service to Christ. Whereas the previous yoke was oppressive and chafing, the new yoke is pleasant and emancipating.”

Q. Why am I not serving?
Q. Is my lack of serving evidence of deep selfishness… self-focused Narcissism
Q. Who and where could I serve?


By the power of God toward us, we must strive to be generous in every way, knowing the Lord will enrich us in every way for it. Indeed, he already has! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Our 7 Shaping Virtues
2 Corinthians 9:10-15
TITLE:  Generosity
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Mission generosity marks us because divine generosity has made us.

1. God Gives Generously To Us So We Can Be Generous Givers
2. Our Generosity To Others Magnifies Our Generous God

”The gospel of Jesus Christ is an act of cosmic generosity. The cross is the pulpit of God’s love and the overflow of his grace and mercy to undeserving sinners. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). The demonstration of divine generosity continues because, “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)  As beneficiaries of such generosity, we now have every motivation and grace to be generous likewise with our time, money and talents on behalf of God’s people and for God’s mission.”

“Biblical generosity is not about the right season or the right reason. Generosity is always about the life-giving generosity of God in Jesus Christ. God is the ultimate generous giver! We can never lose sight of this…”

“It doesn’t matter how smart you are. It doesn’t matter how talented you are. It doesn’t matter how disciplined you are. It doesn’t matter how great your sacrifice is. It doesn’t matter what kind of advantages you had or didn’t have growing up. No matter how little or much you have—you have it because God supplies it.”

“…the point of verse 10 is that God gives us what we have so we can sow it back into His kingdom, where He uses it for His redemptive purposes.”

“Paul is not saying—God will bless you for all your generosity. You could translate 11a—You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way. God generously provides for you so you can generously pour into his kingdom.”

“Be it your time, talents, or money, don’t you dare underestimate grace-motivated generosity, especially toward your church. Resist rebuking someone for being “too generous” toward their church. Think twice, three times, no four times, about complaining when your pastors want to talk about being generous in every way. Why? Because Paul says, God’s glory is at stake! God uses your generosity to produce praises to the glory of his grace in Christ Jesus.” 

James 1:17
1 Corinthians 4:7

C.S. Lewis - “We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
Paul Barnett - “When we opt out of giving, we deny ourselves the honor of promoting God’s glory.”

I’m so grateful this is true of our church in many ways. But from the most generous to the least, we all have room to grow. So allow me to help you direct your growth in generosity:

  • Is there a ministry in the church that needs your talents? 

  • Is there a brother or sister in your CG that needs your time?

  • Is there an unsaved neighbor or co-worker that needs your time?

  • Is there a giving opportunity that could use your money? Oh yeah, the April offering is next week!


We know about the birth of Jesus at Christmas. We know about his crucifixion on Good Friday. We know about Christ’s resurrection on Easter. But how much thought do we give to Christ’s ascension? It’s a worthwhile question because Jesus’ ministry didn’t stop at the resurrection. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

Acts 1:9-11
TITLE: The Ascention
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Where Jesus is now matters to where you are today.

1. Jesus Ascended Into Heaven
2. Jesus Ascended To God’s Right Hand
3. Jesus’ Ascension Matters Right Now

”Jesus may no longer be with us in person, but he continues to work through his church, by His Spirit, for his Father’s glory. As a result, Christ’s ascension, which marks the end of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his heavenly ministry, has significant doctrinal importance for our faith and lives.”

“There’s much we don’t know about heaven. One thing Scripture does teach us is that heaven is an actual place. It is beyond our scope today, but I encourage you to read chapter 57 in Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology for a good study of heaven (and Randy Alcorn).”

“As it relates to the ascension, we can be sure of this—Jesus is in heaven. It’s important to remember that Jesus physically rose from the dead. He spent his final 40 days on earth, not as a spirit, but as a man. He ascended into heaven, not as a spirit, but as a man. He will return, not as a spirit, but as a man. That means he is a man right now in a physical place, and that place is heaven.”

“Like his miraculous birth, atoning death, and victorious resurrection, His ascension was according to the Scriptures.”

“The exaltation of Jesus is the result of and reward for his work of salvation. Jesus now sits at the right hand of God in full glory and honor, all authority and power in a way he did not before his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. The angels now praise Jesus in the heavens as the infinitely worthy Lamb that was slain. He is the King of Glory! The Author and Perfecter of our faith! Our Propitiation! The Head over all things! The Chief Cornerstone! The Bridegroom!  The Victorious One!”

“…from the right hand of God, your ascended Savior is busy praying for you!” 

“Jesus knows the mind of God perfectly. He knows what you need perfectly. More than mere supplication, Christ’s prayers are a divine intervention.”

John 14:2-3
Acts 7:55-56
Revelation 4:1
Psalm 110:1
Ephesians 1:19-23
Philippians 2:9-10
Revelation 5:11-12
Hebrews 1:3
Hebrews 7:25
Romans 8:34

R.C Sproul- “We know that when Jesus died on the cross, at the end of that experience, He cried out, “It is finished.” But that work on the cross did not end Christ’s redemptive work. He had other work to perform after the cross. He was raised for our justification. And when we talk about the work of Christ, we talk not only about His death, but we also talk about His resurrection. And when we speak of the work of Christ, it doesn’t end with the resurrection. We talk about His ascension into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God, and there He works as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords”

R.C. Sproul - “One of the chief accents of the New Testament in terms of His present work for His people is His work of intercession. Every day in the presence of the Father, Christ intercedes for His people.”

Jesus’ ascension matters because it Gives Us a Glimpse Of Our Future  - Over and over in Scripture, Jesus promises we will return for us, and we will live in his presence eternally—it’s called heaven.

Jesus’ ascension matters because it Gives Us Confidence For The Present - On Easter, the question was—What will you do with the empty tomb? Today, the question is—Where is your confidence in life? 

  • When you don’t know how to pray—Where’s your confidence?

  • When you don’t understand what’s happening—Where’s your confidence? 

  • When your faith is weak, and doubt is strong—Where’s your confidence?

  • When sin is crouching at your door—Where’s your confidence?

  • When Satan is tempting you to despair—Where’s your confidence?  


What are you doing with the empty tomb? You have to do something. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

Mark 16:1-8
TITLE: The Resurrection
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

”Mark wrote his gospel to show us who Jesus is and force us to make a decision based on that reality. Christian faith is not blind. It is experiential but the experience is built on empirical, historical, undeniable evidence.”

“If the resurrection is true, how can you not believe in Jesus? If Jesus is alive, then doesn’t it take greater faith to be an atheist or an agnostic than it does to be a Christian? Jesus is an undisputed historical figure. His birth, his life, and his death are every bit a part of world history, as King Tut, Julius Caesar, and George Washington. What do we do with an empty tomb?”

“People try to explain it away:
Jesus’ enemies stole his body -
There’s no evidence of this; frankly, it doesn’t make sense. Acts teaches us that Christianity exploded after Jesus’ resurrection. All it would have taken to crush the Church was to provide the body. They didn’t because they couldn’t.
Jesus’ disciples stole his body - This conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories still exists today, BUT In the first century, you would never build a case for anything, let alone a resurrection from the dead with three women as your star witnesses. AND the authority, conviction, and personal sacrifice with which the disciples preached and pursued Jesus would have never lasted if they knew they were frauds.
Jesus never actually died - On numerous fronts, this explanation is so outrageous even Jesus' enemies didn’t push it.”

There can only be one conclusion - God raised Jesus from the dead. The resurrection is what the OT Scriptures predicted centuries before would happen. It’s what Jesus repeatedly taught would happen. It’s what the authorities feared would happen. It’s what these three women and the disciples said happened. It’s what over 500 people in the following days personally witnessed happening.”

“These women are to be commended for their courageous expression of devotion to Jesus. But even in their devotion, their unbelief was revealed.”

“The resurrection reminds us Christianity is real. Our faith is not in vain. We are not to be pitied. Our lives are not a house of cards because Jesus is alive. That means my sins are COMPLETELY forgiven. The power of death is TRULY broken. The penalty of sin is FULLY paid. God’s love is ETERNALLY mine, and one day I WILL live in Christ’s glorious presence.”

Matthew 28:11-15
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 10:8-13
1 Corinthians 15:54-48

Thomas Arnold - The evidence for our Lord’s life and death and resurrection may be and often has been shown to be satisfactory. It is good according to the common rules for distinguishing good evidence from bad. Thousands and tens of thousands of persons have gone through it piece by piece as carefully as every judge summing up a most important cause. I have myself done it many times over, not to persuade others but to satisfy myself. I have been used for many years to study the histories of other times and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who have written about them, and I know of no one fact in the history of mankind which is proved by better and fuller evidence than the great sign which God hath given us, that Christ died and rose again from the dead.”

J.C. Ryle - We need not wonder that so much importance is attached to our Lord’s resurrection. It is the seal and headstone of the great work of redemption, which He came to do. It is the crowning proof that He has paid the debt which He undertook to pay on our behalf, won the battle which He fought to deliver us from hell, and is accepted as our Surety and our Substitute by our Father in heaven. Had He never come forth from the prison of the grave, how could we ever have been sure that our ransom had been fully paid? Had He never risen from His conflict with the last enemy, how could we have felt confident, that He has overcome death, and him that had the power of death, that is the devil? But thanks be unto God, we are not left in doubt. The Lord Jesus really “rose again for our justification.” True Christians are “begotten again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” They may boldly say with Paul, “Who is he that condemns – it is Christ that died, yes rather that is risen again.”

What is the hardest thing going in your life right now?—If God can raise Jesus from the dead, he can handle your circumstance!

  • The empty tomb ensures me He is there! He is Faithful! He is sufficient! 

  • The empty tomb ensures God’s promises are Yes and Amen

  • The empty tomb ensures His throne is approachable as the place of unfailing mercy and all-sufficient grace! 

  • The empty tomb ensures my forgiveness and justification before God is full, final, and forever!

  • The empty tomb ensures me there is a better life—the resurrection life with Jesus NOW and YET to come!

April Offering 2023

On Sunday, April 30, we will be giving to our Annual April Offering. Along with this year's offering, there is another exciting announcement regarding God's amazing provision for our church and His answering of our prayers! Please watch the video below of this announcement from Sunday, April 2nd.


You are marked for your Gospel-grounded generosity! Year after year many of you prayerfully plan and give faithfully to this offering. For that, receive our deep gratitude! Our desire is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed and that this offering is stewarded for that reason. Join us again in praying for and participating in this with us. May we give joyfully and may God be glorified in all that we do! 

If you missed it, Derek spoke on giving at one of the Equipped meetings in Febraury. Click the following link to listen to the sessions.


As always, if you have any questions about the budget or the annual April Offering, you can contact any of the pastors or anyone on the Financial Review Team (Scott McLeod, Bob Rabe, Chris Johnson, and Bryan Trask).



Ways to give


Use your credit/debit card or bank account to give a one-time gift OR an ongoing gift! You can also log-in using your e-mail to view your giving records, even if you only use other giving methods. Make sure to select “April Offering 2023” next to the offering amount.


Drop your offering in the Giving Box at the Welcome Center before or after our Sunday service. (If giving cash, please use an offering envelope for a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year.)

Please make your checks out to “Sovereign Grace Church” and write “April Offering” in the memo.

Sovereign Grace University Spring 2023 Unit

Last October we had the joy of learning about the doctrine of Salvation through the Sovereign Grace University Fall 2022 Unit, and we are looking forward to our next SGU Class in May. Registration for this class is now OPEN! Please see below for class and registration details.

SGU Spring 2023 Unit:
the doctrine of the holy spirit

WHEN: May 2nd, 9th, 16th, & 23rd (the first four Tuesdays in May) at 7pm
WHERE: Sovereign Grace Church
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: $20 per person; $35 per couple. To get the Early Bird Registration prices, register by Sunday, April 16th.

If you have any questions about the upcoming class, please contact Derek Overstreet.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

SGUCierra Wilkins

Mark 11 begins the most significant week in the history of the world. Life and death, joy and misery, hope and despair, heaven and hell lie in the balance of what happens over this next week. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

Mark 11:1-11
TITLE: The Triumphal Entry
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1. The Deliberate Details
2.The Royal Reception
3. The Unexpected Ending

”The triumphal entry is an amazing public celebration of Jesus. The praises of the crowd were theologically spot on. The prophets of old pointed to this moment. Yet, they missed Jesus. By the end of our story, the crowds have disappeared and Jesus stands alone. They missed Jesus. The world has been missing Jesus ever since.”

“Whether we perceive it or not, we have much in common with them. Even as Christians, it’s easy to miss Jesus amid the allure of the world, the utter evil of society, or the tyranny of the ordinary, we are prone to miss Jesus as the point and purpose in life.”

“For those who don’t know Jesus, your eternity is at stake. For the Christian in the room, your joy in this life and God’s glory through your life is at stake.”

“Mark is not big on details in his gospel. His MO is to move quickly from one scene to another. Mark uses the word immediately 36 times. Thirty-two of those are in the first ten chapters. But in chapter 11, Mark begins to slow down. The first ten chapters cover three years. The last six chapters cover one week. …When Mark slows down, we need to listen up!”

“In 5 days, Jesus will be dead. But he does not ride into the city a victim.  Jesus will be betrayed as a victim. Jesus will not be arrested as a victim. Jesus will not be beaten within inches of his life as a victim. Jesus will not be murdered on the cross as a victim. His deliberate preparation reveals he is in total control of the situation, even his death on the cross.”

“Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That means he is in complete control of your life today. Whatever is happening in your life today—you are not a victim. To the contrary, you are under the personal care of your loving and sovereign Shepherd.”

“Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem captures the humility of our Savior. It also captures his greatness as the Promised One. The imagery screams—See Me! I am the fulfillment of OT messianic prophecies. SEE ME! I am your King. SEE ME! I am your Messiah.”

“On the cross, in darkness, silence, and loneliness, Jesus will do his kingly work, liberating God’s people, not from Rome, but from Satan, sin, and this world. Jesus will deliver God’s people on the cross, not with a sword, but with his blood. From the cross, Jesus will save sinners, not from oppression but from God’s wrath.”

“It seems the party is over. They celebrated Jesus. They were emotional and enthusiastic about Jesus. They had a mountain-top experience with Jesus. They made him king, but only for a day.”

Zechariah 9:9
Psalm 118:25-26
Malachi 3:1

James Edwards - “The whole scene comes to nothing. The crowd disperses as mysteriously as it assembled. Jesus is not confessed in pomp and circumstance but only at the cross.”

Just as promised, Jesus came to them. But they missed Jesus—Have you?

PERSON #1: You like church. It feels good to be here. You enjoy your Christian friends. They are good people. It’s a good life you see them living. But you don’t have what they have—Jesus in your heart. You have missed him. That means whatever you believe you have, you have nothing. Don’t miss Jesus—See him today by crying out in repentance and faith—Hosannah, Save me now! Your eternity depends on it.

PERSON #2: You love the Lord. And it shows…on Sundays. If you’re honest, Mon-Sat you are the king of your life. The picture of Jesus standing alone in the temple reminds you he alone must stand as the Lord of your life. Don’t miss Jesus—See him today by asking him to graciously reorder the priorities of your life.

PERSON #3: Like person #2, you genuinely love the Lord. You are grateful for His blessings in your life. But when life seems more like a curse than a blessing, when hardships appear, when suffering surfaces, your praises vanish like the crowds in Jerusalem. Don’t miss Jesus—He is worthy of your praises in good AND bad times. See Jesus today by bringing your burden TO him and finding your joy IN him so that at all times and in all things your heart can say—Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! He will not fail you!

A Passion for Prayer - A Powerful Church Prays

It is reported that Charles Spurgeon would give tours of his church building where the visitors would find saints gathered in the basement. It was there that Spurgeon would delight in calling these intercessors the “powerhouse” (“the furnace,” “the boiler room”). He said that “a prayerful church is a powerful church” and “If God be near a church, it must pray!”

I would love to give you a tour of our church building about 30 minutes before every Sunday service. In the auditorium, you will find one of the boiler rooms of our church. Gathered there are humble believers from all walks of life praying that the people at every gathering would experience the power of God in the Gospel to save and praying for the power of the Holy Spirit’s presence and work. 

I do want to draw attention to something that the scriptures are very clear about. There is a kind of prayer that has no power at all. Jesus, instructs His disciples on this kind of prayer in the Gospel of Matthew.

In Matthew 6:7-9, Jesus says, “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this:...” (ESV)

Jesus teaches us that piles of “empty phrases” and “many words” are not “heard” by God. The implications of this are manifold, but then He explicitly (for our hope) says that our Father already knows what we need before we even ask Him, so “Pray then like this!” How kind of Jesus to actually teach us how to pray, and there is real power in THIS prayer:

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
10 Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread,
12 and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.” 

Imagine with me the Powerhouse, that is in heaven, namely our Father! If HE, the Sovereign, All-Powerful, King of the Ages, hears THIS kind of prayer, then He becomes the very power of the church and her prayer rooms. When the church “prays then like this” we discover, HE is THE power to save as His kingdom comes and His will is done both here on earth and as it is heaven! HE is THE power to provide exactly what we need each day! HE has THE power to forgive us! HE is THE power we need to forgive others, remove us from temptation, and deliver us from evil! 

“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the victory and the majesty…”
1 Chronicles 29:11

A church is powerful when it prays humbly to her All-Powerful Heavenly Father!

- Tom


The Cross takes cold hearts that are ungrateful and makes them new…creating gospel-grounded gratitude. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Our 7 Shaping Virtues
Romans 8:31-39
TITLE: Gratitude
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: The Cross of Jesus creates gospel-grounded gratitude.

1. The Cross of Jesus is the PROOF of God’s undeserved favor
2. The Cross of Jesus is the MEANS of God’s gracious gift of “all things”

”It is discovered here in these adjoined sections of text that the word of God has the power to cause our souls to burst forth with endless joy and THANKFULNESS to God.”

“God has revealed enough of Himself that every man and woman is held accountable. NO ONE has an excuse! It is only cosmic rejection and rebellion against God to stand back and refuse to acknowledge Him and THANK Him. Yet, in the Gospel, God, in His Sovereign Grace alone, has set His affection on us and makes this amazing declaration: “I am for you!” And this should shock us!”

“‘What shall we say to these things?’ should be followed by ‘God is against you, and everything and everyone will have their way with you’ BUT no… He is for us! Instead of crushing blow after blow in sorrow and abject grief, The Cross of Jesus rescues us by His sovereign grace!”

“To ‘the sufferings of this present time’, the apostle preaches The Cross. In verse 28 - all things work together for good…through The Cross! The “golden chain” of salvation in verse 30 cannot be broken because of The Cross!”

“While still holding up His Son, given for us, He promises the ‘gracious gifts’ of ‘all things’. These are given as the very things that we need and will need and are detailed in the following verses - 33-39.”

“Anything that you and I face is found in at least one of these 19 questions. What may come your way is not ultimately unique nor is it outside of the power of Jesus to save. NOTHING will separate us from the love of Christ except for rejection and hatred of Him.”

“Today, you may feel deep thankfulness again! That would be your heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit revealing the majesty of Jesus and reminding you of His great sacrifice at Calvary. But what about tomorrow? Will you still remember and honor and thank God? What will you do then? Do THIS again! Go again to His word of truth and search out the mercy of God revealed in the Cross of His Son and give Him thanks.”

Our Dilemma: Romans 1:18-21
Isaiah 53:5
Psalm 107

Martin Luther - “I feel as if Jesus had died only yesterday.”

- Are you able to again take in how wondrous The Cross of Jesus is? Like drawing the Message of the Cross in like a breath and exhaling thankfulness!

- What is it that you need? The Lord says, remember that I have given up my Son for you! This is a joyful, heart-satisfying, fear-calming, foundation-laying, gracious anchoring of our souls…and a gracious reminder that His affection and favor is FIXED on His children.

A Passion for Prayer - Waiting In Prayer For Him

In our Suburban, loaded with the kids, snacks, Nintendo, CDs, and camping gear, precious memories were made. But, before we even reached the freeway from our house, the snacks were gone, batteries were dead, and one of the kids would inevitably call out,

“Are we there yet?”

Suddenly, we had a new passenger. His name was Impatience, and he took turns befriending almost everyone in the vehicle over the next few hours. Sound familiar?

God’s word shows us that patience calls for us to wait, and we all too often find that we don’t want to wait. We ask, and we wait. We ask again and wait. In prayer, we struggle with waiting, and, if we are honest, sometimes our prayers can be more like demands, and this is revealed in our actual words. “Lord, I ask that you do this right now!” Yes, urgency in prayer is necessary at times, but should we ever come as creatures demanding of our Creator? We do wrestle with David as he writes in Psalm 13:1:

How long, oh LORD? Will you forget me forever?” (ESV) 

We do need to pray honestly, but some will never be answered. Our sinful cravings make their way into our prayers, and these will not be granted. Charles Spurgeon includes this dilemma in a prayer following one of his sermons:

“The prayers of our lusts Thou has rejected,” but he follows with hope-filled certainty: “...but the prayers of our necessities Thou hast granted. Not one good thing hath failed of all that Thou has promised.”

Our lusts rejected but our necessities granted!

In waiting for answers to our prayers, we must remember that we are waiting for Him! Our trials are extremely difficult. Our sorrows and true needs are real. Yet, what we must realize is that we cannot wait for just that “thing.” We do wait for that, but our hope must be in HIM. He is not simply the means by which we get our answer. The LORD our greatest need. Consider again David’s cry to the LORD in Psalm 13, “How long, oh LORD?”, and keep reading through verses 5 and 6 “But I have trusted in your steadfast love… I will sing to the Lord!” David’s enemies are real and breathing down his neck,… but then he remembers the LORD’s steadfast love and his waiting turns into singing to the LORD. We wait, but we wait for Him! 

We may not understand now, but A.B. Simpson wrote:

“Some day, beloved, in His arms, you will understand. He does not always explain it now… He lets the weary years go by; but oh, someday we will understand.”

Spurgeon calls us to look back while we wait:

“Your prayers were innumerable; you asked for countless mercies, and they have all been given. Only look at yourself; are not you adorned and bejeweled with mercies as thick as the stars.”

“... they who wait for the Lord shall
renew their strength…”
Isaiah 40:31



God’s perfect holiness. Our radical sinfulness. CHRIST’S MIGHTY SACRIFICE. Grace always abounding. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
TITLE: The Wisdom and Power of God: A Study in Leviticus
PREACHER: Guest Pastor, Lynn Baird
BIG IDEA: The violent and catastrophic consequences of sin against a holy God, requires a violent and catastrophic response… the cross!

1. The Holiness of God
2. The Pervasiveness of Sin
3. The Need for Sacrifice - The Cost of Sin

”Though I'm not going to be preaching on this passage [1 Corinthians 1:18-25] directly, the message here is important to what I want to say… The preaching of the cross causes religious people to stumble and worldly people to consider it foolishness.”

"This is going to be a different sort of expositional message. I'm not going to go through a particular passage of scripture but will be doing an overview of an entire book. The book of Leviticus.”

“From the beginning, God has used bloody, brutal sacrifices to cover or atone for sin. From the animal skins for Adam and Eve in the garden, to the lamb that replaced Isaac, to the sacrificial system under the law and priests. The ultimate culmination of this being Christ on the cross.”

“When we approach Leviticus, we want to ask two questions: Who is God? and What does that mean for us? One of the key ways to understand God is to see how he tells us to relate to him. This is what Leviticus is all about: how do you relate to a holy God?”

“So often we tend to think of holiness as purity or sinlessness, but the root of the word actually means to be separate. Completely other. Separate from them. In this case, God is so profoundly ‘other’ or ‘separate’ that God must communicate to the Israelites how he is to be approached. They cannot come near him, except in the way designed by God himself. If they don't they die.… His holy nature demands you only approach him in the way HE prescribes.”

“The underlying nature of sin is rebellion. Wanting to do things OUR way. The fact you are a sinner is a fact that is never going to change. But because of that, we better recognize who God is and how he wants to be approached.”

“The story of Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus chapter 10 may seem harsh and unjust to us. Death for simply putting the wrong kind of incense or “fire” on the altar? … we should not be surprised by God's judgment for sin, we should be surprised that any of us are still alive and haven't been judged already!”

“Left to ourselves we would simply make up a god of our own choosing, that we could relate to, that we like.”

“God's holiness is to affect how we live in every day life - Leviticus 19:2”

“The effect of sin is radical; everything is tainted by sin. We are not as bad as we could be, perhaps, but every part of us is affected. …Sin is the slightest act of defiance against God’s cosmic authority.”

“Here's the reality, though; the goal is not to somehow become sinless in order to be in God's presence. That is impossible. The goal is to come to God in the way he prescribes. … the doctrine of sin is humbling, and humility is the only appropriate response to it.”

“In one day, God brought the sin of the world and his anger and wrath against sin and rebellion and poured it out completely, and totally on one human being: his Son. His Isaac. His Passover lamb.”

“The same God who's zeal against sin consumed Nadab and Abihu was the one who flamed in fury against his own Son when our sin was placed upon him. The same God who required countless sacrifices, done exactly as he said, to cover the sin of a constantly rebellious people is the same God who required the death of his son for our rebellion. This was the one and only time God punished an innocent man. If you are appalled by the cost of pride and sin in the Old Testament, you should be absolutely aghast at the price. God was willing to pay, the extent to which he was willing to go, to deal with sin once, and for all.”

“The cross was God's design for the offering of the perfect sacrifice that could take away sin. There was no other way of doing it.”

“… we aren't afraid to talk about sin or the cross. We enthusiastically embrace the reality of our sin, knowing that the grace of God in Christ abounds all the more in the face of our sin. This is what gives us the power to fight against sin!”

The Book of Leviticus
Hebrews 10:9
Isaiah 63:5
John 14:6
Romans 5:20
Hebrews 13:15


  • Don't ever let your pride to keep you from doing it God's way!

  • Don't ever be dragged down or overwhelmed by your sin or the cross. Be amazed by Grace!

  • Don't ever try to minimize sin or its consequences. Be amazed by Grace!

Church Life Update - 3/18/23

There are many facets to our life as a church! Our hope is that these posts will enable you to plan, pray, and ultimately rejoice in what the Lord is doing at Sovereign Grace Church. Here are a few updates for you to do just that! 

Good Friday service

Come join us on Friday, April 7th, at 7pm as we come together to worship Jesus and reflect on the sacrifice He made for us on the cross. For more information about this service, please contact Derek Overstreet.

SG Youth’s Chili Cook-off fundraiser

We are looking forward to SG Youth’s Chili Cook-Off which will be held after church on Sunday, April 23rd! We invite everyone to participate in this fun and delicious event!

Show off your culinary skills and compete for the title of Best Chili in the Church! Don't worry if you're not a chef - we welcome all levels of chili-making expertise.

If you don’t want to compete, we hope you'll join us for this exciting event to support SG Youth by raising funds to send the youth to the Sovereign Grace regional youth retreat.

If you want to compete, please contact Jon Lambros.

5th sunday worship & prayer night

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming WORSHIP & PRAYER night, which will be held on April 30th (the fifth Sunday) at 7pm. This event is a time for us to come together as a church community to praise and worship God and pray together about specific topics. For more information about this event, please reach out to Tom Wilkins.

sgu spring 2023 unit

The next SGU Unit is starting in May! Sessions will be on May 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd (the first four Tuesdays in May) at 7pm. Keep an eye out for topic and registration details in a future blog update.