There will be much that we pour our efforts into, but by the grace of God, let’s commit together, to gather together, hold fast to the Gospel, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to praying! Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Going Not Knowing
TEXT: Acts 2:42-47
PREACHER: Tom Wilkins
BIG IDEA: Because we belong to Jesus, we are all in for His people.
1. All in all the time on the Gospel of Jesus Christ
2. All in all the time in the fellowship in Jesus
3. All in all the time in the breaking of bread remembering Jesus
4. All in all the time in prayer
All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Our mission is to build a God-glorifying church that proclaims and demonstrates the transforming power of the gospel to our city and beyond. Biblically speaking, this is the three-fold purpose of any church:
Upward Ministry to God, which is worship
Inward Ministry to believers, which is edification
Outward Ministry to the world, which is evangelism.”
“We must pursue all three purposes of the church and not allow one or more to atrophy and another become THE THING we focus on. Scripture calls us to our robust purpose in all 3 - worshipping God, edifying the Church, and going to the world!”
“Last Sunday, we beheld the transforming power of the Gospel that so moves on the soul of those saved by Jesus that we climb onto the altar as a willing, joy-filled sacrifice in praise and worship of God… our UPWARD Ministry to God. We, former God-haters, have been mercifully saved by Jesus and given gospel-fueled purpose as a Church. Now, loving the Savior, on that altar as LIVING SACRIFICES… we climb up again in the INward ministry to believers… the saints… sacrificially ministering to one another.”
“This is where we are going in Acts; we find this brand-new community of Christians beginning in Jerusalem, just as Jesus promised. We see in verses 41-42 that this new Holy Spirit-filled, water-baptized, covenant people are now the Church - “together” the “fellowship” of the believers. Now called and gathered by the power of the Gospel, filled with the Holy Spirit, they will be going not knowing as Christ’s witnesses into their towns and villages and then to the world. Compelled and reassured by the Holy Spirit, they will be going not knowing what God will do but in faith that God was with them.”
“The word “devoted” means “continually steadfast.” The original language is one of devoted continually… ALL IN ALL OF THE TIME!”
“Shorthand for “the apostles’ doctrine” was the Gospel. The word… the teaching… the doctrine of Christ and His Cross is the foundation of our church. The Gospel, as delivered by the Apostles, is the rock on which we stand. And we are all in all of the time on this Gospel. This means that all that we are, our very identity as a people of God, and ALL that we do (our very lives personal and together) has, as its wellspring, the Gospel!”
“This is why we pound away at this same nail - Jesus Christ and Him crucified. For the Apostle Paul, it was of first importance to him because he was all in all of the time on the Gospel and resolved to deliver nothing else but the message of the Cross to the churches. He guarded and defended it and called pastors to guard and defend it. He cherished it and called the churches to cherish it. He warred against enemies of the gospel when they rose up in the churches and calls us to the same.”
“This is why we desire that all of our sermons point to the Gospel. If it’s not Christ and Him crucified, then what is it? This is why all of our discipleship points to increased faith in Jesus. This is why all of our counseling must faithfully and desperately cling to the gospel. The goal of our discipleship and counseling is this: growth in our faith in Jesus Christ! If our goal is anything other than pointing to the gospel and increased faith in Christ, then our discipleship and counsel are something other than Christian. This is why our songs for worship are robust in the clarity of the gospel. This is why when we speak of generosity and giving as grounded in the gospel mission.”
“The “fellowship” of believers in Jesus is like no other fellowship. The sense of its meaning has at its core a shared participation. ‘Koinonia’ – Christ is at the center.”
“This shared participation among the people of God includes deep concern for the financial and practical needs of fellow believers and the Gospel mission advance. Giving for the “relief of the saints” and provision of the mission. Together at their man gathering, together in their homes, the church was built up/strengthened as they edified/nurtured one another.”
“The greatest threat to the edification of the Church comes from within. Being ALL in on the fellowship of the saints compels us toward maintaining unity, forgiving one another, serving one another, weeping with one another, rejoicing with each other, discipling one another, working out conflict between each other, bearing with one another in love.”
“Breaking of bread” is mentioned again in 46 IN THEIR HOMES. Is this the commissioned Lord’s Supper that Jesus instituted in the upper room with the disciples? After some study, the answer is YES. And, yet, it’s usage here Acts allows for this to also include eating in fellowship together as believers. And this kind of fellowship around food was more than hanging out grabbing some hot wings together. These times of fellowship at the table in the homes of Christians is one of intentional identity as ones saved by Jesus, remembering Jesus and encouraging one another in Jesus. It was intimate, the sharing affections for the Savior, the sorrows and joys of this life in Christ. There is a sober reminder of the holiness of God… we are regularly filled with awe and wonder at the mercies of Jesus Christ and His Cross.”
“The difference between eating with sinners/non-believers and eating with the saints is radical. There is no fellowship “in Jesus” with those who reject him. We eat with them, talk with them… but we cannot have fellowship with them… this informs how our relationship with those who turn their backs on Christ. We do not turn our backs on them but our intimacy at the table in Christ shifts.”
“PRAYER to the Lord and for each other is an amazing gracious gift that we now have in Jesus.”
“They knew nothing would happen if God did not move, so they prayed that He would move! In Jesus, we have direct access to the throne room of God where HE LEANS IN to hear our prayers. There we worship Him, we plead with Him, we pour out our hearts to Him. The deepest longings of our souls are brought before the Sovereign King and He is ready to answer every sing time.”
“We are beginning the groundwork of a church plant on the eastside – going not knowing, BUT we must not and we are committed to not neglect the nurture and edification of the church. There will be much that we pour our efforts into, but by the grace of God, let’s commit together, to gather together, hold fast to the Gospel, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to praying!”
Ephesians 4:11
1. What keeps you from being all in week after week on Sundays?
2. What keeps you from day by day (46) gathering in fellowship in CG?
3. When the men the meet, where are you?
4. When the women meet, where are you?
5. Can I, in integrity, describe my fellowship as ALL IN - Continually Steadfast?
6. If not, we are ALL IN somewhere. Where?
- When was the last time you opened your home or were in another's home - for an intimate meal together - discussing the gospel and sharing life together in Jesus?
How Great (Psalm 145)
Praise to the Lord
God Is Faithful (Psalm 114)
There is One Gospel
Ephesians 3:7-11