Less is More, Exodus 20:17-21
Truth be Told, Exodus 20:16
On The Take, Exodus 20:15
More than Sex, Exodus 20:14
A Murderous People, Exodus 20:13
Give Them Weight, Exodus 12
Sunday: Holy Day or Holiday, Exodus 20:8-11
Honoring God's Reputation, Exodus 20:7
Worshipping the Right God the Right Way, Exodus 20:4-6
Sold Out for the Greatest, Exodus 20:1-3
Good But Not Safe, Exodus 19:1-25
7 Shared Values of Sovereign Grace Churches
Show and Tell, Exodus 18:1-12
Rest and Resist, Exodus 17:1-16
Living Full, Exodus 16:1-36
FATHER'S DAY, Fathering on the Edge, Deuteronomy 6:10-25
The Bitter Made Sweet, Exodus 15:22-27
GUEST SPEAKER, Forgiven Sinners Forgiving Sinners, Matthew 6:14-15
Sing to Your God, Exodus 15:1-21
Isaiah 66:13, MOTHER'S DAY 2013