The Gospel Story Curriculum, published by New Growth Press and written by a Sovereign Grace Pastor (Marty Machowski), is the curriculum used in GRACEkids. It is an excellent Gospel-centered curriculum that takes the children through the entire Old and New Testaments over the course of 3 years. Each lesson seeks to honor the authorial intent of each text while displaying how each particular text proclaims the Gospel.
Please click the links below to view the lessons!
March Lessons
March Bible Verses - John 3:16-21
March 30: FIFTH SUNDAY STRETCH! Elementary students sit with their families.
family devotional
The Gospel Story Bible Curriculum has a family devotional titled “Old Story New” which coordinates with the lesson your child will learn in Sunday School each week. The devotional includes five 10-minute lessons to learn each week as a family and reinforces concepts learned in the GRACEkids classes. CLICK HERE to view the devotional.