In last week’s post, we were reminded of how easily summertime can shrivel our souls (if you have not read the post, I encourage you to read it now). The bottom line is this: If we are not careful, the busyness of summer can put our communion with God and fellowship with His church in the backseat of life.
One way we can resist this temptation to take a vacation from God is to pray.
Whether you are at the beach, in the mountains, or in the privacy of your backyard, summertime is a time to pray. As you consider your prayer life over the next few months, please consider the following prayer requests:
Pray that God would provide opportunities and courage to share the gospel with unbelievers here at home and on vacation.
Pray God would strengthen our church relationally through hospitality, fellowship, and mutual care for one another.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Bolivia as they continue to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel throughout the city of Santa Cruz.
Pray God would continue to provide financially for our church so that we will be positioned in the new budget year (Sep 1-Aug 31) to continue the ministries God has given us and be positioned for new opportunities in our community and beyond.
Pray for those who continue to experience physical pain and limitations (Heidi Aranda, Dave Fronk, Sarah Carey, Jerome Walsh, Mary Hope, Beth McGee, and others)
Pray for our ministry team leaders as they plan and prepare this summer for the new ministry year beginning in September.
Pray about where God would have you serve this fall. Is he calling you to something new, different, or the same?
Pray that God will give your pastors wisdom and clarity this summer for the Fall/Winter preaching schedule as well as the next step for those in the Pastoral Evaluation Group (Bakers, Carseys, Overstreets, and Elijah Mckenna).
Pray the Lord will bring new people to our church who are hungry for sound doctrine, gospel-centered preaching, and genuine relationships.
Thanks for praying and have a great summer!