We believe God wants to raise the temperature of evangelism in our Church. How does God to this? Individually in our lives and corporately as a Church community. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
TEXT: Acts 18:9-11
TITLE: Raising the Evangelism Temperature
PREACHER: Tim Lambros
BIG IDEA: We exist to glorify God through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I. Don’t Fear But Go
A. Defining Evangelism
B. Evangelism as a Discipline
C. Evangelistic Motivation
II. Don’t Fear But Be Comforted
III. Don’t Fear But Be A Means
”Today we are going to re-visit that scene from Acts 18 where God visited Paul in his moment of weakness. We learned a few weeks ago in that text how fear had gripped Paul. The question was asked, “what are you afraid of?” The main truth from that section of Scripture is that God is able and faithful! Therefore, we can be hopeful in our evangelism and not give in to fear or believe evangelism is just for the super Christians.”
“So how did God “raise the evangelism temperature in Paul’s life?” The same way God works in our lives, in the life of this Church to raise the evangelism temperature.”
“God uses Paul’s life as an example because Paul’s life is every Christian’s life. Whether you’re Paul or Jim Donohue or the most extraverted or the most “people person” you know – Paul’s example speaks loud and boldly that all of us can and will face fear when it comes to our call to speak the truth about God and the gospel. Paul’s experience now becomes every believer’s experience.”
“Every believer is called to go. There are no super Christians in this plan – the call to go is God’s plan for every one of us. The reality of fear will be part of us going. You may never get a personal visit and word from God, but you will always have Paul’s example to know what to do.”
“Evangelism is proclaiming the truth about Jesus, so people repent and put their faith in Jesus. Relationship building, loving on people, and inviting people to a Bridge Course or over for hospitality are all important but evangelism involves proclaiming the truth about the gospel. That’s the content of evangelism.”
“We believe it’s best to approach evangelism as a spiritual discipline. It’s not a separate ministry just for those who have evangelistic gifts. It’s like Bible reading, prayer, worship, etc. We are all called to grow in these areas and so too we are called to grow in our evangelism.”
“Scripture gives us many ways to be motivated at the heart level. Simple obedience to the call positions us for grace. The reality of hell for family and friends we love should motivate us. The future eternity with Christ is helpful to motivate. But at the deepest level, I think we must meditate on the glory of Christ.”
“Church, I submit to you that the way we overcome our fears is that we so meditate on the glory of Christ that it becomes personal to us. WE FEEL IT WHEN GOD DOESN’T GET THE GLORY HE DESERVES.”
”Doctrine helps in evangelism! Doctrine, what the Bible teaches about any given topic, is meant to function in our ways. In evangelism, it’s meant to comfort us. …Knowing God is at the center of His plan to seek and save the lost helps us overcome our fears. Doctrinal knowledge is meant to FUNCTION in our life - bringing comfort, overcoming fear, and inspiring us to action”
“God uses means. Could God save people in Corinth using another means? Maybe have the gospel message miraculously appear in the sky? Sure, God is capable of doing anything. Part of our Biblical understanding is that God uses normal people like you and me to proclaim the message that Jesus came and died on the Cross so we could be reconciled back to Him.”
Tico Rice - “The closer you get to Jesus – the more you read of Him in the Bible and see Him at work in your life – the more glory you will see, and the more you will long for Him to be treated as He deserves.”
Matthew 28
Acts 1:8
Romans 1:5–6
3 John 7
Isaiah 53
1 Peter 2:24
Acts 17:16
John 15:18–20
Here’s your practical application DON’T FEAR BUT BE COMFORTED. Where is your pain line with this particular person God has put in your life? Get to know when you are tip-toeing up to the pain line. Be honest and confess that I don’t like the idea that this friend or family member or coworker might think I’m a fool if I invite them to a Bridge Course. Let’s honestly begin to evaluate our fear, get familiar with the pain line and allow God’s Word, God’s plan, and God’s character to move us past the pain line. Why? Because we will never find out those who are HUNGRY if we back down the moment we experience the pain line (a little mocking, someone views you as “one of those,” etc.).
First, embrace your role as a means of grace to those God has brought into your life.
Second, begin to pray that God fills you with the Spirit to push through your pain line.
Third, take small moments of boldness.