The Lord mocks anyone who attempts to defeat Him, hinder His purposes, or squelch His people. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Judges: Christ in the Chaos
TEXT: Judges 15:1-20
TITLE: Walking With God
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
Lesson 1: Living in opposition to God never goes well
Lesson 2: Holy Hatred guards our walk with God
Lesson 3: God is faithful to hear our prayers and provide what we need
All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Three I Spy moments in our text are critical to walking with God individually and corporately.”
“This story is an odd mix of humor and tragedy. Tragically, Samson’s wife and father-in-law are murdered. At the same time, the relationship between Samson and the Philistines is humorous. Every time the Philistines think they have Samson, he blisters them. You can’t help but laugh a little at all this back-and-forth foolishness.”
“God uses humor in the Bible to make a sobering point. Here, the sobering point is about the Philistines. Samson repeatedly makes them look like bungling idiots. In a few verses, he will kill 1,000 Philistines with nothing but the jawbone of a donkey. From foxes to jawbones, the Philistines are on the wrong side of God, and that is not a good place to be.”
“The Philistines are enemies of God’s people. They are cruelly oppressing Israel. They do not fear God; they mock God. But they are no match for God.”
“Derision is mockery. The Lord mocks anyone who attempts to defeat Him, hinder His purposes, or squelch His people. Psalm 2 and Judges 15 warn that opposing God and His people is perilous. It’s always been this way. From Egypt to Canaan to Babylon to Rome, it never goes well for those who oppose God and persecute His people.”
“It isn’t going well for our nation today or any other nation that denies and defies God. God’s kingdom will come. His Church will be built. The gospel will go forth. Whether from sheer terror of the pits of hell or the absolute bliss from the heights of heaven, Phi 2:10-11 is clear—every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the praise and glory of God!”
“No matter how well life is going for you if you oppose God, it will not go well, if not in this life, in the eternal life quickly approaching.”
“Israel is in self-preservation mode. Their desire for peace has moved them to be content in bondage. They can’t imagine being free. They will forsake Yahweh to serve pagan gods. They will serve Yahweh’s enemies as their lord. They will turn on the Lord’s chosen deliverer. They won’t kill Samson, but they will turn him over to be killed by God’s enemies.”
“The irony is rich: Israel delivers their God-given deliverer FROM the Philistines TO the Philistines. This is a dark day in the history of God’s people.”
“This story is a mirror for us. This will sound weird, but enmity is a gift from God. As Christians, we should experience holy hatred for the right things.”
“We should hate ungodliness. We should hate unrighteousness. We should hate injustice. We should hate opposition to God. We should hate any philosophy or ideology that denies God or prefers and exalts man over God. We should hate sin.”
“Jesus’ point couldn’t be more straightforward: Hate sin more than you love your life. It’s better to be physically crippled than comfortable with sin. Why? Because sin is opposition to God.”
“One man with one bloody jawbone exacts God’s holy and just judgment on 1,000 Philistine soldiers. The Book of Judges repeatedly reminds us we can never predict what God will do or who He will use.”
“You have granted this great salvation by the hand of your servant. For the first time, we see why Samson is listed among the people of great faith in Hebrews 11. Samson was thirsty, and he cried out to God in his need. Samson recognized that even though his hand destroyed Israel’s enemy, it was God’s doing—salvation belongs to the Lord alone.”
“He gave Samson what Samson could not give himself and what he desperately needed most; notice in 19—he brought forth water from a rock (wilderness—Exodus 17), and Samson drank it, and his spirit was refreshed and revived in the grace of the Lord.”
“This moment is a giant flashing neon arrow pointing us to the gospel. The true and better Samson, the one every judge in Judges and the entire book of Judges points to, Jesus, came a thousand years later to bring great salvation to sinners like us. We once opposed God and loved sin and evil. At one time, we were at enmity with God. But God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ. He did not negotiate with Satan. He did not entertain temptation. Jesus did not fool around with sin. Jesus guarded the divine enmity and destroyed the enemy at the cross so that we would not die but be refreshed and revived, walking with Him today and forever.”
Psalm 2:1-2, 4
Philippians 2:10-11
Psalm 97:10
Matthew 18:7-9
Dale Ralph Davis - “The Philistines are the enemies of Yahweh’s people. Here their stupidity is held up for ridicule; here, they are made the laughing stock. Why? To show us the peril of being an enemy of Yahweh’s people (even his sinful people), for Yahweh makes fools of those who seek to ruin and crush his people. His enemies—and theirs—are kid’s stuff for him; he toys with them and makes his people able to laugh at them. It is a ghastly thing to make oneself the object of divine laughter.”
Dale Ralph Davis - “Whether it is the evil or sin within us or some form of it outside us God does not call us to negotiate with sin and evil but to wage war on them, to nurse a holy hatred toward them in all their multicolored forms.”
- Are there certain sins you have become comfortable with? Are there sinful thoughts you are at peace entertaining? Where has the pursuit of personal comfort trumped the pursuit of personal holiness? Do you hate what God hates and love what God loves? These questions are critical because, to the degree we answer yes, we live as opposed to God. Not walking with God never goes well.
- This story ends with God hearing Samson’s cry and providing for his needs. Today, God remains accessible and available to all who cry out to Him, regardless of their background or situation.
Do you need fresh gratitude for your salvation
Do you need a humble and holy hatred for evil restored in your soul
Do you need to repent of your friendship with a specific sin
Whatever you need to walk with God, God stands ready to provide. He wants to grow you. He wants to encourage you. He wants to use you. Cry out to God. He will hear your prayer because in Jesus, you are his precious child, and His ear is yours.