God calls us to see Christ in one another above all things because Christ in us transcends all other things about us. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 16:11-40
TITLE: The Unifying Power of the Gospel
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Christ in us transcends all else about us!
I. A Respected Business Woman
II. A Young Slave Girl
III. A Rough Jailer
”In the midst of difficulty and suffering, have you ever wondered—Lord, what are doing? I bet Paul and Silas did at times, like this one? But God is ALWAYS doing something, and whether we sense it or not, that something is ALWAYS for our good (Romans 8:28).”
“Instead of groaning, they gave praises to God. Instead of pouting, they rested in His power and purposes. They had no guarantee how this would turn out. Would they rot in prison or be executed in the morning? Would their story be like James, who was beheaded, or Peters, who was rescued? They had no idea. But this they knew: Our God is a mighty fortress. He is for us. He is with us. He has a plan. His plan cannot be thwarted.”
“While God may not cause the ground beneath your feet to move, Christian, whatever you are going through right now, however dark the clouds hovering over you are—God is for you. He is with you. He has a plan. His plan cannot be thwarted. Pray to Him. Sing His praises. Seek refuge in Him. He has promised He is with you in power.”
“Right there in that pitch black cell, the jailer asks the greatest, most significant, most profitable question any human being can ask—What must I do to be saved?”
“Have you ever asked that question—What must I do to be saved from the consequences of my sin? Here’s what you must do—Believe in Jesus. Say in your heart, I believe I am a GREAT sinner but Jesus is my GREATER Savior. Have faith in who he is and what he has done to take away your sins.”
“Here’s what I want us to see this morning: Lydia, a young slave girl, and rough jailor. One would be hard pressed to find a more disparate group. But that is The Unifying Power of the Gospel. Three different nationalities, three different socio-economic classes, three different sets of personal needs, but in ALL their differences, they ALL had one spiritual need—they ALL needed Jesus.”
“Their different backgrounds meant different tensions, conflicts, and struggles. But now, as diverse as they were, TOGETHER, in Christ, they ARE God’s church in Philippi. Guess what? One day WE will be in heaven with THEM!”
“This is the wisdom of God. This is the beauty of the church. This is the power of the Spirit. This is the glory and majesty, and wonder of Christ. The gospel reaches people everywhere. But when it binds people to Christ, it also binds people to one another.”
“God calls us to see Christ in one another above all things because Christ in us transcends all other things about us. So when we see Christ in one another above all things, we exalt God above all things.”
John Stott - “In this city, the missionary team stayed for several days indeed almost certainly several weeks. During this period of mission, there must have been many converts. But Luke selects only three for mention, not because they were particularly notable in themselves, but because they demonstrate how God breaks down dividing barriers and can unite in Christ people of very different kinds”
The Bible teaches us about the world as it is - Ephesians 4:27-28, 6:10-20, 1 Peter 5:6-9
Psalm 46:1,6,11
So, here’s the question: How do we live in the good of that unity and celebrate the reality of that unity in ordinary everyday life?
SELF: Self-righteousness kills. Remember who you once were
FELLOWSHIP: Pursue people that are DIFFERENT from you
CONFLICT: Allow WHO the person is in Christ to speak louder than WHAT you are feeling inside
PERSPECTIVE: Remember, people knowing Jesus is what matters most. As we grow evangelistically, this room will fill up with people that don’t look and talk like you.