Paul’s conversion, as unique as it was, reminds us of a universal truth for every conversion— the moment you are saved, you are a new person with a new purpose. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.
TEXT: Acts 9:10-31
TITLE: The Glorious Consequences of Conversion
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: When the Savior of glory takes hold of you, there will necessarily be glorious changes in you.
1. A New Purpose
2. A New Family
”It’s tempting for us to think of the Christian life as a makeover or remodel. It’s not—It’s a redo. Conversion isn’t an addition or improvement to your life. It’s a replacement of your old life that comes with an entirely new purpose.”
“What gets us up in the morning is no longer fickle and fleeting pursuits, but the glory and praise of God as we bear the name of Christ in all we do and say.”
“The very ones [Saul] once hunted down like dogs fellowshipped with him. Protected him. Defended him. Labored in the gospel with him. Embraced him as a brother in Christ. Such is the power of the gospel that reconciles us to God AND one another. Such is the wisdom of God in His plan of salvation.”
“Thank God for Ananias and Barnabas who embraced Saul and welcomed him into the church, his new family. They are as someone once said—Forgotten heroes of the Christian Church. Just imagine how different church history would be if they had not. And what will our church history be like if we don’t follow in their footsteps.”
“Paul’s conversion is a reminder that God can save anyone at any time. And If God can save anyone at any time, like Ananias and Barnabas, we must be ready to receive anyone he saves at any time.”
William Cowper - “God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform”
John Stott - “There is an urgent need for Ananiases and Barnabases who overcome their scruples and hesitations, and take the initiative to befriend newcomers.”
Derek Thomas - “Praise God for the willingness of Ananias to go and see Saul of Tarsus! He truly is one of the forgotten heroes of the Christian Church. It took courage for Ananias to show kindness to Saul, and it is not difficult to imagine that some may have been critical to the gesture. Are you, like Ananias, ready to give your hand of welcome to those whom the Lord has converted, no matter what their past may include?”
2 Corinthians 11:22-33
2 Corinthians 5:17
Galatians 1:17-18
Ephesians 2:1-10
- Is there someone in this church you are hesitating to embrace because of their past or their current lifestyle?
- What do you see most in your fellow believer?