Sovereign Grace Church

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Today, we begin an Advent series. Advent simply means coming or arriving. That's what we are dedicating the next three Sundays and Christmas Eve to—celebrating the coming of Jesus into our world. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Christmas Story
Luke 1:26-38
TITLE: The True Christmas Story
PREACHER: Derek OVerstreet

1. An Unlikely Christmas Cast
2. An Extraordinary Christmas Plan

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”For Christians, Christmas presents spiritual dangers: We are vulnerable to allowing the trappings of Christmas—decorations, spending, and busyness to trump the true purpose of Advent. Even more dangerous, we are vulnerable to trivializing Jesus, diminishing his person, distorting the reason he came, and dismissing his eternal significance at the hands of shallow sentimentality.”

“As Christians, we enjoy the Christmas season, but always through the lens of the gospel. For this, Advent is meant to guard us and keep our focus on the person and purpose of The Christmas Story.”

“We begin The Christmas Story in Luke's gospel, where we find a group of unlikely people with front-row seats to God's extraordinary plan.” 

“First, there was Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth. In 5-7, they're described as a godly elderly couple with no children. But everything was about to change for them. In 11, an angel named Gabriel appeared to him—read 8-17. Soon after, the miracle happened: Elizabeth, old and barren, became pregnant with the one the OT prophets foretold would make way for the long-promised Messiah—John the Baptist.”

“Six months later, that same angel would appear to another unlikely person in God's plan of redemption.”

Imagine with me for a moment. It's just another day. People are going about their ordinary business. If you are a young teenage girl like Mary, perhaps you're finishing chores, daydreaming about your future, or socializing with friends. Out of nowhere, an angel appears and says you will give birth to God's Son. Luke says Mary was troubled. She was scared. She was confused, beginning with the obvious—(34) How can this be, since I am a virgin?”

Like Zechariah and Elizabeth, there was nothing special about Mary. There was nothing special about Joseph. Just ordinary people trying to live for God just like us. This was an unlikely cast to lay the groundwork for God Incarnate. But God works in mysterious ways. He uses fools instead of wise men. He uses paupers instead of kings. He uses the weak instead of the mighty. When He decided how to introduce the Savior of the world to the world, He used barren senior citizens and virgin teenagers.”  

“This should encourage us. You were created for good works. God wants to use you in your church and community. You might be young. You might be old. You may feel unequipped or even disqualified. You probably feel weak in spirit. You should feel unworthy and unable in and of yourself. But, as it says in 37—Nothing will be impossible with God.”

Think about how many promises you have broken over the years because you were unable to fulfill them. The unlikely cast of Christmas reminds us of the power and wisdom of God to accomplish what only He can accomplish. How do you need to believe and rest in the power and promises of God this Advent season?”

“Now, as unlikely as this Christmas cast is, infinitely more is the extraordinary nature of God's Christmas plan.”

“Mary knows her boy will not be an ordinary boy. As poor and despised as Jesus will be, he will be great because he is the eternal Son of God, equal to his Father in all things. If you wonder why Jesus had to be born of a virgin, you can start here—being fully man, Jesus was fully God. He would come into this world to establish David's throne and reign over God's people as their sovereign king in His eternal kingdom, which will be fully and finally established when he returns.”

“Mary's Son will do all this as Jesus, the name above all other names that means deliverer. He will deliver salvation to sinners. As young as Mary is, we know she understands this because of her response—read 38.”

“Mary is wholly surrendered to the Lord's will for her. She has no idea how her situation will turn out. She is unmarried and about to be pregnant. That sounds like serious trouble. Yet, her fear and confusion give way to faith and humble submission.”

“An angel named Gabriel isn't going to show up in your living room and shock you into faith and humble submission. But even better, Jesus has shown up in your heart, which is precisely why he came into this world. We see this in Mary’s ensuing celebration. In 39-45, Mary goes to see Elizabeth. Mary could have been overwhelmed with panic about the optics of a young, unwed, pregnant teenage girl. She could have been distracted by thinking through a PR plan as the gossip and accusations were about to fly. Instead, she is undone in worship.”

“The interchangeable terms soul and spirit create a repetition to communicate one thing—Mary is worshipping God with her entire being—her will, thoughts, affections, words, and body. Mary holds nothing back from God in her worship of God. And while Mary is not worthy of our worship, her worship is worthy of our emulation.”

Mary understood her socioeconomic status. She understood she was a nobody from the nasty town of Nazareth. There was nothing special about Mary. Mary is the essence of ordinary. None of this escapes Mary. She's not beating her chest; she knows she’s a servant. So she sings God's praises—He who is mighty has done great things for me. God has chosen me to bear the Messiah. God has looked upon me and said, You will bear my Son who will save people from their sins.”

Have you ever had a game-changer in your life? This is the ultimate game-changer! Mary and Elizabeth are living in the worst of times. Four hundred years have gone by since the last prophet spoke. God's people are living under Roman oppression as they await their long-promised Messiah. This baby changes everything, and Mary knows it—(48) from now on  all generations will call me blessed. Nothing will ever be the same for Mary. And nothing will ever be the same for the rest of the world either. Translation: God has acted in history, and an extraordinary reversal is underway!”

The world is about to be turned upside down, and it begins here with a pregnant senior citizen and a pregnant teenager—(51) Jesus will humble the pride of intellect. This baby will humble the pride of status (52). Joseph and Mary's child will humble the pride of wealth (53). Everything that makes sense to the world, everything the world treasures and trusts, everything the world thinks matters most, everything the world respects and esteems, Christmas turns on its head and renders meaningless.”

“This is not the Christmas story found on the Hallmark Channel. This is not the Christmas story the world wants to hear. But it is the Christmas story the world needs to hear because it is the true Christmas Story.”

“Jesus, the image of the invisible God who is supreme over all creation, condescended to create a new humanity of righteousness and glory. Jesus, the firstborn from the dead in whom the fullness of God is pleased to dwell, was born into our world to reconcile all things, making peace by the blood of his cross. He was born to give spiritual life to the spiritually dead. He was born to liberate sinners from the oppression of their sin so they might live eternally for his praise and glory. There's no room for sentimentalizing this Jesus. We dare not distort, diminish, or dismiss his significance with our Christmas trappings. Christmas is about the coming of our only Savior and eternal King! This is the true Christmas story—who needs to hear it from you?

“I don't know if you caught it, but Mary's song contains the phrase He has six times. Mary hasn't seen this great reversal with her eyes yet, but she sings about the future in the past tense because she knows her God is faithful. But for us on this side of the cross, we have seen and experienced this great reversal Jesus' birth has inaugurated. We know where Christmas is going. This cradle leads to a cross where God held nothing back as He judged Jesus for our sins.”

“If you are a Christian, you have experienced your own great reversal in Christ: from sinner to saint, from enemy to child, from wrath to grace, from lost to found. Not because there was anything special about you. You are just as ordinary and hopeless as a barren old woman and young virgin girl. But in mercy, God acted in an extraordinary way to cause a great reversal in your life. You believed in Jesus, and like Mary, everything changed. Christmas happened to you, and Mary's song is your song.”

2 Corinthians 5:21

Paul Tripp- “So much of our fear, discouragement, anxiety, and worry is the result of underestimating what God is willing and able to do.”

Martyn Lloyd-Jones. -”Everything that man boasts in, his intellect, his understanding, his power, his social status, his influence, his righteousness, his morality, his ethics, his code—every one of them is utterly demolished by this Son of God.”

Martin Luther - “Mary's song is about God's great works and deeds, for the strengthening of our faith, for the comforting of all those of low degree, and for the terrifying of all the mighty ones on earth. We are to let the hymn serve this threefold purpose; for she sang it not for herself alone but for us all, to sing it after her.”

What do faith and humble submission to God look like this Christmas? What seems impossible to you? What has you troubled, scared, and confused?

Q. Is your faith weak this morning? Is your spirit low this morning? Do you enter the Christmas season spiritually cynical or indifferent?  It doesn't have to be that way. Jesus—Immanuel, God with us, came to change everything. He wants your attention. He is worthy of your white-hot affections. Jesus knows your sin and weakness, and he wants to open your eyes to his love for you either for the first time or like no other time before. He went from the cradle to the cross to the grave to the right hand of your heavenly Father for you! Marveling at the wonder and living in the good of his love is what Christmas is about.

Q. How does the Spirit want to adjust your song as you enter the Christmas season this year? God made much of you when He condescended into this world to live and die for one reason—so you could make much of Him with everything you have and everything you are. That's a Christmas song worth singing. That's a Christmas promise worth living! That's a Christmas story worth telling.

Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
Who Would Have Dreamed

He Who Is Mighty
O Come All You Unfaithful
Heaven Has Come To Us

Luke 2:1-7